Wednesday, August 19, 2015

WIshlist Wednesday #4 | Dollar Tree



If you're anything like me, you've probably made mental lists of all the awesome finds you've seen hauled at Dollar Tree in hopes that one sweet day you'll find them, too.  I'm no different - except I actually make visuals to help me keep track and I update them every week as new sightings occur.

On each of the items, I listed the Instagram account of the person who found them.  I also linked all the accounts in the caption so you can check out their other posts and follow them!

Duck Tape brand duct tape has been popping up at Dollar Tree for about a year, and lots of different designs have been spotted.


These retail for $5-6 normally, so $1 is a great price.  They come with 10 yards of tape, so if you're shipping out a lot of boxes, or if you plan to use these to make duct tape crafts, now's the time to load up!
Next up, Amanda over at Fabb TV hauled a Soft Whisper body wash that I've never come across at Dollar Tree.
Several months ago, I found two different varieties of body washes that look like the ones pictured below:

I really regret not getting more when they were available.  The Pomegranate body wash pictured above was awesome - lathered up well, the texture was nice and thick, and it gave off a lovely scent.

There was also a peach or nectarine scent that I hauled that I adored.  So SOOOO bummed that I didn't purchase more.  They totally rival Bath and Body Works in my opinion.
These NYC City Proof Intense Lipcolors are also popping up at Dollar Tree.  I believe I picked up a few of these on clearance some months ago, so I'll be digging through my stash to try to find them so I can swatch them in a future Swatch Sunday.
There look to be about a dozen shades total, although finding a complete set at Dollar Tree is typically near impossible.  But I'm on the case!  :)

Annnnnd, it looks like the L'Oreal Magic Perfecting Base has once again been found at Dollar Tree!  YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

I was lucky enough to find several of these last year, and I've been very happy with this product's performance as a primer.  True, it does need a little work to get it completely blended, BUT! It's totally a win in my opinion.  And, since the .5 ounce full-sized product retails for $8-12 dollars (the 3-week sample size, which is being sold at Dollar Tree, is .17 ounce and retails for ~$4).

The reviewers of Makeup Alley are unconvinced.
One major con - which was referenced quite often in negative reviews on, is that this is packaged in a tub, which means that you're constantly sticking your fingers inside and exposing the product to germs, dirt, water, etc.  Some reviewers also referenced how difficult it is to blend (it is), but that's not a deal-breaker for me. 

Next up, the gawjus Miss Jessica Estrella of YouTube infamy found and IG-blasted a bunch of elf products.  I shared reviews online, but the bottom line is- reception to these two products is largely positive.
Both products are from the Studio line, which typically retails $2-5.  And even better, elf has 50% off sales a couple of times a year, which brings the prices down even further.
These lotion wipes come 15 to a pack and normally retail for $3. They're actually still being sold, and are available in three different scents, although only the Coconut Vanilla has been spotted at Dollar Tree.  Largely, the reviews were positive, and I'd be interested in trying them just to experience the whole lotion wipe trend.
The elf HD blush is a product I've actually be wanting to try for some time, so I'm very excited that it's made its way to DT!
Reviewers have called this product a bit watery but incredibly pigmented.  I'm not sure how easy it is to blend these out, but I did share reviewer commentary and photographs in my YouTube video, so be sure to check it out!
There's not much more I can say about Ritz crackers or the books pictured above, except that I want them (!), and if you're a long-term Wishlist reader, you've already been alerted to the awesome Skintimate product pictured below. 
Check out my most recent Wishlist Wednesday blog for more about this product!

Those are the highlights!  So, what's on your wish list this week?  Comment below to share your must-finds. :)

Thanks for reading - see you next time!

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